Health Services Immunization and Form Requirements
First MMR after one (1) year of age | All entering degree-seeking students | Prior to the end of the first semester of on-campus attendance | Submit via e-form (see instructions below) |
Second MMR at least twenty eight (28) days after date of first MMR | All entering degree-seeking students | Prior to the end of the first semester of on-campus attendance | Submit via e-form (see instructions below) |
TB skin test (Mantoux) or IGRA blood test (Quantiferon Gold or T-Spot TB) | International students only | Prior to checking into the residence halls or first day of attendance in class (whichever is earlier) | Submit via e-form (see instructions below) |
Counseling Intake Form | All students seeking counseling services | Before your first visit with a CSC Licensed Student Counselor | The CSC Licensed Student Counselor you see |
Informed Consent Form | All students seeking counseling services | Before your first visit with a CSC Licensed Student Counselor | The CSC Licensed Student Counselor you see |
Chadron Medical Clinic Consent to Treat a Minor Form | Any student under the age of 19 | Before your first visit with the CSC Campus Clinic Nurse | |
See our Immunization Instructions for tips to submit your immunization records via your MyCSC account. |
Health Services Form Exemptions
CSC offers a medical, religious, and temporary exemption from immunization requirements. For more information regarding immunization exemptions, please refer to the Immunization Policy. Waiver forms are located within the immunization e-form on your MyCSC account.
Health Services Immunization Recommendations
Other immunizations recommended for students but not required for admission:
- Hepatitis B vaccination (series of three (3) shots)
- Varicella vaccination if no history of chicken pox (series of two (2) shots)
- Influenza vaccination (yearly) offered through CSC Health Services at a reduced cost each fall
- Meningococcal vaccination available through either CSC Health Services or Chadron Medical Clinic
- Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination (a series of three (3) shots)
- Tetanus Diphtheria booster every ten (10) years after initial series of three (3) DPT vaccinations
- One (1) adult booster should also contain pertussis
Tips about Immunization Records
- Where to search for your immunization records:
- Ask your parents or guardian
- Ask your most recent high school, middle school, or college.
- Ask your medical provider or vaccination clinics
- Ask your VA or your branch of the military
- CSC Immunization Records
- Digital copies of immunization records are kept for 5 years after the last semester of enrollment
- Immunizations are also entered into the Nebraska Immunization Database
Have a question about immunization requirements and compliance? Email or call (308) 432-6232.